your symptoms

Finallyyyy! GNM education that doesn’t feel like chewing on a dry overcooked chunk of liver just because you know its good for you 🌈


Let’s take GNM out of the packaging and put it to work for you and your family ✨

In this 8-week immersion you get …

  • An all-you-can-eat BUFFET of original case-studies so you can stop banging your head against a wall on and take your understanding from blurry to high-definition

  • A step-by-step way of thinking that will make GNM immediately usable in every day life and solve those stubborn life-long symptoms (without having to memorize a bunch of scientific jargon)

  • A vibrant community of women to work on your symptoms with so that those precious AHA-moments come so much faster

I am NOT the most experty-expert of GNM. Do not study with me if you want “official” copy/paste GNM. I care about practical application over a perfect regurgitation. My focus is on making GNM come alive so that it’s actionable and easy to learn. The 5 Biological Laws are the most beautiful truth I’ve ever encountered but it’s no use if you don’t know what to DO with it.

“You will not experience anything else quite like this course. Freya has an incredible talent for sharing GNM knowledge that is accessible, and equally as beautiful. Her course makes sense, it’s practical, yet it weaves together so much depth. I had profound “AHA moment” after “AHA moment.” The classes, the other women, all of the experiences shared, it’s truly been a tremendous privilege to take part in. I have resolved some of the most intense symptoms of my life from working with Freya, and taking part in her course. I could honestly go on, and on. If you are looking for a way back to your peace of mind, and your health, this is it! Thank you Freya!”

— Ashley Scott

“What I wasn't expecting was how well it was taught, how interactive the class was and how well everything was laid out. I don't know how Freya does it but I think someone new to GNM and someone who has worked with GNM a long time would both get so much out of this course. It is such a great combination of "information," story telling and interaction. I cannot believe how much I can quote by memory. If only my college professors had the same teaching style as Freya. I'd probably have retained a lot more 🙂

We have been able to work through a number of symptoms since me doing this course and pursue healing. A huge example is my son who was diagnosed with a dairy allergy at a very young age. Because of this course we have begun re-introducing dairy after years and he is responding to it so well. 

I will never be the same. I cannot believe the time, heartache, ect. I've spent in the past with trying to "fix" and "heal" symptoms in all of the wrong ways.” 

— Olivia Graham

“I have made what feel like huge strides to see my symptoms more clearly and also realized that many of the "things" I've felt are also symptoms.  For example, I can now see that my periods of restless legs and sleep issues are actually a SBS, and not something like a magnesium deficiency. I have been able to resolve (knock on wood) the frequent headaches I've been getting the last five years just by being aware of my thought patterns, and changing how I behave when I can see that I'm headed for a headache. The course has made it seem entirely possible to resolve things that I honestly thought I would just have to live with forever or that I thought were normal, and now I can see that they're actually conflicts. I feel like taking the course live has been very beneficial, the ability to ask questions in the moment and connect with other participants has added to my knowledge and understanding hugely. I feel like every week I am able to see a new piece of the puzzle of me, and have generally been amazed at how attending to my thoughts gives insight into my symptoms. Also as a parent I've been able to connect some dots about my son's recent illnesses, and what might be going on with him, and my relationship to him.”

— Anna Paskin 

Inside the course👇

SHERLOCK consists of 8x 3-hr live zoom calls (yesss they will be recorded) AND access to my private online GNM community.

every Tuesday @10AM PST starting April 30th

    • The nuanced elements of a shock (far beyond the basics!).

    • A discussion of the 3 exceptions to the laws and how to know if your symptom is an exception.

    • The common mistakes people make when they think the “get it” but actually don’t.

    • Why the second biological law is the most important first-step to any symptom resolution

    • How tracks actually work and how to use them to your advantage

    • How most people misunderstand tracks

    • My resolution process (including a discussion of the practical vs perpetual debate)

    • The two keys to “breaking” a conflict

    • Case studies that show the nuance of finding the antidote to your conflict

    • Wtf is a morsel? (this will change the game for you)

    • A deep-dive into all digestive symptoms

    • A review of the most important programs of the endoderm (with case studies, of course!)

    • The biological programs of the old mesoderm

    • How symptoms pile on top of each other and how to prevent/deal with this

    • Self devaluation deep-dive (including a full body map)

    • Discerning motor conflicts from self-devaluation

    • A focus on the teeth and a whole new perspective on the Weston A Price diet

    • Adrenal fatigue deep-dive

    • Learn about biological territory and how to figure out what YOUR territory is

    • Understand hormonal status

    • A break-down of the 8 most important conflicts in the temporal lobe

    • Learn what causes depression and how to get out of it

    • A journey through the constellated brain so you can find out which constellations you have

    • How to be chill while learning all of this about yourself and your loved ones

Ready to talk about your symptoms in past tense? Join us.

“I had no set expectations for what this course would hold, but Freya, the content, the detail and the group of women who have gathered around to hear Freya’s take on GNM have all far surpassed whatever I had envisioned. Its been a long time since I have been really impassioned about learning something new. Freya has such a vulnerable humanness about her that kept me as the student interested and entertained.

I learned more in this course about our biology, German New Medicine and human resilience and flexibility than I have from any previous study of GNM and potential resolution techniques. Her teaching style allows for lots of questions and case studies, making these foundational principles applicable in our lives. It’s invaluable. She has a particular talent for thinking biologically, asking the right questions and recognizing patterns. From both our 1:1 sessions, and this course I have learned how to ask myself the right questions and how to sleuth out my patterns. 

Sherlock had me looking forward to our class every week. I’m sad to see it end, truly ♥️”

— Josie Perkins Ebert

“Being a student in the Sherlock course is truly one of the best and easiest investments I have ever made! I’ve been self studying GNM for the past couple of years but it wasn’t until working 1-on-1 and taking Freya’s thorough and highly applicable course that I was truly able to feel The 5 Biological Laws working inside of my own body.

The organization of the course follows the evolutionary adaptations of our biology which made it easier to understand how and why adaptations and special biological programs are happening. Having so many real life stories of conflicts, resolutions and symptoms made GNM way more applicable and highlighted the nuances which is so important to understand! 

Since taking this course, I have felt a perception shift in how I view literally everything in the world and in my body. I have been able to heal major (and highly annoying) symptoms like herpes, and also track my experience of my day to day life in a way that has brought clarity to small symptoms like a stomach ache that I used to think nothing of. I also have developed a deep enough understanding mentally and in my own bodily experience to speak about GNM with friends and family in a way that they can hear it as more than just as a “cool concept” and actually incorporate it into their lives too. 

The LOGIC of biology (bio-logic) is everywhere and is SO fun to explore… I am so grateful for the time, dedication and pure generosity that Freya has put into learning and sharing GNM.”

— Shaelyn Lau

“Freya, your course has been a balm for my soul. Every class refreshes me and deepens my reverence for our bodies and this incredible way of understanding how they work. GNM as it is has blown my heart and mind wide open, but your course has taken my understanding to a way deeper level, answering questions I was struggling to find answers for through the common resources. I can't reccomend this course enough for anyone who wants to get a better grasp on GNM, and be a part of a group of women who are lovely, funny, and non judgemental. Freya's honest and grounded yet gentle style is awesome and it feels like you're chatting with and learning from a good friend instead of a teacher on a pedestal, which is JUST how this stuff should be learned! 

On a most basic, practical level I feel a LOT clearer and more knowledgeable than before the course, and it has allowed me to truly notice a change in my thinking, rewiring my automatic, culturally engrained beliefs about how our bodies work. Life changing!

— Rosalie Schmid

Come and experience the beauty, goodness, and truth of your body!