Sister, does the thought of another gyno-appointment make you cringe and clench?

The PAP Smear Masterclass is for YOU.

It’s time to question this Sacred Cow of women's health. 

Do you (reluctantly) hop-up on the doctors table because it's the responsible, sensible, health-conscious, thing to do?

You definitely don’t want cervical cancer… the peace-of-mind is worth the vulnerability, shame, and subtle (or overt) trauma… right?

No one else around you seems to think it’s a big deal ... so you do your best to put your icky feelings aside and ignore the discomfort.

You've questioned so much of the western medical paradigm … but maybe this test is actually legit?!

Every inch of your body says NO, but you still find yourself spreading your legs… pressured by your mother, or doctor, or that friend with all the horror stories. 

Or, maybe you’ve decided to avoid the PAP altogether. You're pretty confident that it's the right choice…

But there is still that niggling background guilt… the subtle feeling that you're being a “bad girl.”

Your vagina does not need supervision.

You deserve the truth.

Do you want to…

  • finally have (easily digestible) evidence to back up your intuition so that you can know for sure whether or not you really need your next PAP?

  • get crystal clear on what's actually being tested, what the different results mean, and what the path to healing is (from both conventional and alternative perspectives) so that you don’t find yourself handing your power over to doctors that make you feel 1/10th of your size?

  • feel confident that you are making intelligent, wise decisions about your health?

  • be untouchable by every “you’re irresponsible,” “you’re not a scientist,” “you’ve been spending too much time on google” naysayer, so that you can remain grounded in your decisions and never find yourself crossing your own boundaries again?

  • feel free of fear?

routine ≠ responsible

routine ≠ risk free

routine ≠ smart decision