MUD is an intimate deep-dive into the raw and tender Truth of your birth trauma

a shedding of every question of “am I broken?”

a re-calibration to the Truth about birth and your body

a journey home to your power


squishes between your toes,

says “my girl, you are not separate from nature.”

mud smells like spring melt, and quenched soil, and composting beliefs.

mud doesn’t care if you’re comfortable

she’ll eat you whole.

you can pretend she’s not there

but you’ll just keep sinking.

mud is a soupy rebellion against the sterile white coats

against your good girl

against “yes, doctor”

mud is the fertile ground of clarity

the nourisher of summer meadows and f r e e d o m

the metabolizer of bullsh*t

mud says

“put your face in my soil

and drink.

fill your belly with black dirt

I promise,

you don’t need to carry this hurt.”

Can you feel it in your body?

Join us in the MUD.

MUD is a one month-long container with 50 women.

MUD is guided by Freya Kellet and Jackie Scott.

MUD is part birth education, part story medicine, part consciousness raising, part EFT trauma transformation, part sisterhood, part magic.

MUD includes LIVE(and recorded) zoom calls and a Mighty Networks pop-up community