hello, healy

Watch this FIRST 👇

(a welcome + essential information on how to use your healy + an orientation to this generational business)


Brief overview of all healy programs

DETAILED breakdown of all the healy programs

CHEATCODES interview series

Q/A with TimeWaver therapist Brid Hanlon

Aura Analysis Training


BOARDS app for our entire healy lineage

(add to keyboard for easy copy/paste in conversation)

Matrîarch Frequency Inner Circle MASTERMIND

(click link to register for instant access to the library of workshops + get invitations to new monthly ones! this is where Katya shares her BEST STUFF related to entrepreneurship, using online platforms to find your voice, copywriting, storytelling, and sacred sales).

Katya’s MASTERMÎND conversation on WhatsApp

Telegram Group for FREYA’s lineage only

Zoom link to the wider healy lineage Monday and Thursday calls @8AM PST