
sex stripped back

a 3 hr zoom class + Q/A

gush is a soft melt

underwear oceans

and grins you didn’t earn

gush is arriving open.

gush is surrender that doesn’t require that your man string you from the ceiling.

gush is discerning Truth from trauma.

gush is boundaries that breathe.

gush is a YES you can trust.

gush is communicating a NO sans shame.

gush is coming undone

unravelling every cell in your body

and refusing to abandon yourself there

gush is electricity without effort.

gush is power you do not question.

gush is sex that feeds you.

gush is inside-out,

no more waiting for magical men with magical cocks and magical techniques,






August 13 @8AM PST

You will receive an invitation to our pop-up GUSH community in Mighty Networks (where all the call details will be located) after you get your ticket.

Your video will be required to be ON for live attendance.

Zoom recording available for one week.

No refunds.