Birth Trauma Transformation

Speak your story. Heal your soul.

Sister, are you..

  • Finding yourself playing your birth over and over in your head? Possibly even struggling with flashbacks and recurring nightmares?

  • Feeling disconnected in some intangible way from yourself, your body, your womanhood… maybe even, heartbreakingly…your baby?

  • Confused about what happened… What was necessary? All of it? None of it?

  • Terrified at the thought of getting pregnant and giving birth again?

  • Awakening to an entirely new understanding of birth (maybe you even want a home birth next time!) but still wrestling with the lingering grip of fears and trauma from your previous birth(s)?

  • Wondering how the f*ck your home birth with midwives got ruined?

  • Questioning yourself as a mother? (they said you couldn’t birth… so can you trust yourself to do the rest of it?

“At least you have a healthy baby, get over it” is NOT a solution.

You ARE grateful, and you’re heartbroken. 

It all gets to be here, sister.

You deserve…

  • to fully release any feelings of guilt and brokenness

  • to know you can 100% trust yourself - your authority, your decisions, your beliefs, your body - as a woman and mother

  • to know what *really* happened in your birth (the truth that your doctor/midwife won’t tell you) and get crystal clear on how things shifted from normal and healthy, to feeling like you were drowning in quicksand as the interventions and fears and doubt closed in around you

  • to be able to draw the line at your birth, and have the knowledge and tools to never again find yourself giving away your power to the “experts”

  • to no longer feel alone as you hold all of this

Sister, you don’t have to stuff it away.

Who would you be if you could finally just let it all out?

I'm here for you.

All of you.

Birth Trauma Transformation is an intimate healing container for women who are done with carrying the weight of this shi*t around.

“I made more leaps and bounds in processing my past births and pregnancy losses in one hour with Freya than I was able to manage in months of exploring on my own. 

Freya has an immediately calming and safe energy and was able to not only fully understand every emotion I was trying to communicate but transmute those emotions into profound realizations with her gentle way of guiding. She blew mine and my husband's minds wide open with what she shared.”

— Rebecca L (she went on to freebirth her 3rd baby!!)

Healing your birth trauma consists of 2 sessions.

A 90-minute deep dive session to share your story and begin unpacking your experience.


A 60-minute follow-up session in which you will understand with total clarity what happened (and why you are absolutely *not* broken), learn the truth about your capacity to have a natural ecstatic birth (and how), and gain transformative tools to fully release your trauma.

Through Birth Trauma Transformation, you will move forward as a mother knowing in your bones that you are made to do this. 

Your investment is $250 USD

“I wanted to thank you. From deep in my consciousness you truly truly helped me heal the trauma from my first birth. I had my magical undisturbed home birth and was tested in more ways than one. Yet I felt empowered and safe in knowing all was well the whole time.

My body perfectly birthed my baby into my arms. This experience was birthed in full trust of my body and my baby and I want to thank you so so so very much for guiding me through the darkness and guilt I had surrounding the birth of my first. It was through releasing this that I was able to experience a whole new birthing experience.

— Katt B

Sister, it can be hard to know who to trust in the birth world.

Who has integrity? Who knows their stuff? Who isn’t going to fear monger you?

Who will just tell you the damn truth? 

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My name is Freya, I’m a radical birth keeper, and here’s why you can trust me

  1. I will never lie to you.

  2. I was directly trained by two of the boldest thought-leaders in the holistic birth world in the ground-breaking Radical Birth Keeper School.

  3. I have dedicated the past 5 years to all things birth, women’s wellness, and walking with women as the claim their power.

  4. I believe in birth, and I believe in you.

“My session with Freya was confirming and freeing. She held such a heartwarming space for me to share my birth stories and listened patiently as my ramblings went beyond just my birth and into motherhood & a traumatic failed tubal survey experience.

Our session was a sigh a relief, a spark of empowerment & the confirmation I needed to continue pursuing freebirth for the first time with excitement and trust. I felt a full closure of the birth trauma I endured with her acknowledgment, wisdom and ability to hold space. I highly reccomend a birth trauma session, this is your sign if you’re on the fence, worth every penny!”

— Jamie H

Speak your story.

Heal your soul.