Birth in Your Genius

I work with women who are dreaming of a wild birth, at home and in power.

The only problem is that you wonder if you can do this (like really do this?).

With my mentorship, you will work through what is holding you back from the birth of your dreams, so that you can make choices that serve you, and enter your birthing time with clarity and power.

You’re planning a homebirth. 

You’ve heard women talk of birth and bliss and ecstasy and power and peace and gentleness, and you WANT that to be the story for you and your baby.

You have a deep knowing that the way we birth is important and you certainly don't want to give birth in the hospital. 

But… You have questions and fears. Worries that you can't seem to shift or even fully articulate.

You've probably listened to all the podcasts and read all the books and birth stories. You know that other women do this, but can you? (like, *really* do this?)

Maybe this is your first baby! Or maybe you already have kids and their births were unsatisfying, maybe even traumatizing, and you know it has to be different this time (but there are still thoughts of brokenness and guilt to work through..)

Imagine your wildest, most ecstatic dream birth.

What if you could have it? Bliss and all!

You want to be “responsible” - what do you need to do/buy/test/know?

What if you tear? What about bleeding? What if your waters open early?

Then there’s the birth sensations themselves. What if the intensity is too much? How will you handle it?

Who do you *need* there? Your partner? A midwife? A doula? No one??

You wish you were more capable of remaining centered in your truth and not letting others' fear affect you.

How would you give birth if you could unfurl into a state of relaxed confidence?

Who would you be if you could let the fear of others roll off of you?

In the jumble of narratives around birth, you’re likely wondering, what is safe?

Are you too small, too big, too old, too young? Is the baby in the “wrong” position, too early, too late? Have you had too many prior complications?

If you're like many women, you've been defined by the system as “high risk.” Perhaps you have an inkling that it's nonsense, but you're not certain.

Maybe you're not sure you can trust your intuition (or that intuition is even real?). 

It could be that you find yourself wondering if you're connected to your baby enough to do this.

How would it feel to be infused with the wise-woman knowledge that is your birthright?

Imagine finally experiencing the nourishing solidarity of sisterhood.


Welcome, dear sister.

Im Freya Kellet, a radical birth keeper, and regenerative livestock farmer.

I work with women who are dreaming of a wild, peaceful, and transformative pregnancy and birth, at home and in power.

This offer includes:

One 90-minute Session:

We will get super specific to your desires, fears and challenges.

  • We will answer ALL questions like… do I have the right birth team? How will I handle the intensity? How do I deal with other peoples fear? What do I need to have on hand?

  • All the what if’s...

  • Get crystal clear on what YOU want for your birth (and how to actually manifest it)

  • Learn what you need to do/know to birth in power and peace.

Curated Resources & Follow-Up

Based on our session I will follow up by email with some resources specific to you.

I will also be available by email for follow-up questions.

Your physiological design is nothing less than sheer, unadulterated genius.

The innate genius of every woman.

The genius of your body and your baby. The genius of your hormonal blueprint. The genius of your primal intuition. The genius of peaceful, ecstatic birth.

Whatever your fears, whatever your doctor/midwife has said, whatever your previous experience, this exquisite genius is certainly alive in you, she is embedded in your every cell.

Are you ready to meet her?

When women experience the power of their bodies, the result is an ecstatic, transformative, and peaceful birth.

This sets both you and baby up for optimal health, and joyful, easeful mothering.

$150 USD
